Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

30 March, 2011

Sunday 29th March. Totals were as follows (all east unless shown):-

Sandwich Tern - 23, Common Scoter - 9, Merganser - 1 + 8 o/s, Dunlin - 8, Black-headed Gull - 12, Curlew - 4, Gannet - 6 + 2W, Auk sp - 1W, Razorbill - 3, Brent Goose - 142 and Diver sp (prob Red-throat) - 1. Also seen 3 Wheatears and 1 Goldcrest N into bushes.

28 March, 2011

Combined totals at the the patch today include a report of a female Whinchat at 0915 on the beach near the car park, also 2 Black Redstarts, the male being seen in Baliffscourt for its second day, and the female on Climping Beach. Also 3 Sandwich Tern  3 Swallow, 1 Sand Martin, 1-2 Firecrest, 2 Goldcrest, 7 Chiffchaff, 9 Wheatear, 1 Male Bullfinch, 3 Blackcap, 3 Reed Bunting, 2 Grey Partridge and 1w Brent Goose.

26 March, 2011

Late morning stroll around Marsh Farm produced singles of Peregrine, Buzzard,  singing Cetti's Warbler, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, 30 Fieldfare, 4 Redwing, 8 Tufted Duck, 2 Grey Heron, 2 Grey Partridge and 3 Lapwing.

In the patch this morning very slow offshore with only 2w adult Med Gull, 61e Brent Geese, and 80 Sanderling on the outgoing tide. In and around the bushes produced 3 Willow Warbler, 6 Wheatear, 1 Blackcap, 1 Yellowhammer, 3 Chiffchaff, 4 Goldcrest.

On Friday 25th a RED KITE flew over the marina at 11:15, and on Thursday 24th a MARSH HARRIER flew over ford prison at 10:00

24 March, 2011

12 Wheatears at Climping this morning, plus 2 Sand Martins, several Chiffchaffs, 3 Siskins, 25 Meadow Pipits and 2 Sandwich Terns plus just one flock of Brent Geese moving E. The singing Yellowhammer was also still present at Atherington

21 March, 2011

Late morning around stroll around Marsh farm in the glorious sunshine produced, 1 Cetti's Warbler heard, 1 Green Sandpiper, 3 Lapwing, 3 Chiffchaff, 1 Buzzard, 2 Grey Heron, 3 Tufted Duck 1 Shelduck, and several each of Redwing, Fieldfare, and Yellowhammer.

4 Wheatear in the patch this morning, with my first female of the year in the overflow car park. Not a lot else to report, with very little passage, 2 Shelduck, 30 Great C Grebe offshore withe several RBM, 1 Sparrowhawk and 1 Chiffchaff.

19 March, 2011

Sun 20th March
1 Firecrest as well as four sparrowhawks, two little egrets, one wheatear but not much else.

Sat 19th March
Chiffchaff numbers reached double figures today with at least ten birds in the area around the bodyshop fields. Also 1 Firecrest, 1 Goldcrest, 2 Buzzard, 3 Snipe, 35 Redwing, 1 Coal Tit and 1 Grey Heron.

Climping this morning produced  11E 2W of Brent Geese, also 6 Common Scoter on the sea, several distant Gannets feeding and 15 RBM's and 6 Great C Grebe.  Also 1 Wheatear, 1 Chiffchaff,  and 1 Goldcrest,

18 March, 2011

Overcast early morning and misty offshore, but before long a Great Skua came lumbering eastwards within ID range. There was little else apart from a large Diver sp west at 0900. Singles of Little Egret and Kittiwake passed E and 3 Med Gulls drifted W; 20 Dunlin and 10 Ringed Plovers were also logged, plus 15 Red-breasted Mergansers and 6 Great Crested Grebes offshore. On land migrants were non-existent save for a solitary Chiffchaff, but two pairs of Grey Partridge were seen and a Peregrine scattered the local birds.

16th March
At Climping this morning 3 Slavonian Grebes offshore in a tight group, but nothing else over the sea worthy of mention. On land, a Firecrest, 2 Goldcrests and a couple of Chiffchaffs were logged.

15 March, 2011

At Climping today singles of Firecrest, Wheatear and Yellowhammer, also nearby 11 Waxwing near the Shell garage forecourt opposite the church, by the bodyshop roundabout.

Two Sandwich Terns this morning, plus a singing Chiffchaff and a newly-arrived Stonechat in the horse paddock.

13 March, 2011

First Wheatear of the spring reported on the beach, also a  Firecrest at Climping a Common Sandpiper on the river and a Stonechat on the golf course.

11 March, 2011

Took a walk around Marsh Farm late morning in the glorious sunshine and produced, 11 Golden Plover, 1 Water Rail, 1 Chiffchaff, 17 Fieldfare, 2 Buzzard, 2 Grey Heron, the big pool held Teal, Tufted and Pochard.
Climping Beach in search of Wheatears this morning, alas no joy but a good selection of waders on the outward tide, with 60+ Sanderling, 17 Curlew, 12 Grey Plover, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit.  Offshore 20 Red-breasted Mergansers, and 12 Great-crested Grebe, and 1 Buzzard

03 March, 2011

1 Jack Snipe and 8 Snipe flushed from the flooded fields west of the bodyshop late morning, also 2 Buzzard and good numbers of thrushes including Redwing and Fieldfare in the area.

Peregrine on the gastower at 1400.

02 March, 2011

1st March

At Climping this morning; 2 Slavonian Grebes offshore (with 10 Great Crested and 25 Red-breasted Mergansers), 2 Greylag Geese W along the shoreline and a male Goldeneye heading the other way after resting on the sea for a couple of minutes. Two pairs of Grey Partridge in the fields.

 A Red-necked Grebe on the sea off Rustington  plus up to 4 Slavonian Grebes late morning.