Bird Title

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush - Thailand 07/03/2025

25 May, 2010

An hour from 0800 this morning produced a poultry return of only 8e 5w Gannet, 2e Fulmar, 8e Common Scoter, and 2 Sandwich Tern feeding offshore.

24 May, 2010

Marsh Farm

2-3 Cetti's Warbler still around the farm this morning also 1 Cuckoo heard, 1 Little Grebe, and  Only 1 Gadwall and 1 Tufted Duck on the big pool, with several of both Swifts and Swallows in the area. The only suprise this morning was  2 Common Terns feeding on the pool for about ten minutes then drifted off west. Good numbers of Reed Warbler and fewer Sedge still singing, 1 Red L Partridge 3 Buzzard, and 1 Sparrowhawk  bring up the days totals.

16 May, 2010

The three commoner species of Tern feeding close inshore this morning,  also1w Fulmar, some distant Common Scoter and Gannet moving but that was about it.Very slow in the patch at the moment but 3 Yellow Wagtail and 1 Soppted Fly at the Mill being the only other new birds of note.

11 May, 2010

10th May 2010

Late hour seawatch at Climping Beach from 1930 logged now after looking at the SOS website 12 Manx Shearwater flying low over east over the sea. Several Gannets moving mainly east offshore with at least 8 Little Tern fishing close in, and several Sandwich Tern. Also 5 Great C Grebe.

09 May, 2010

1 Spotted Flycatcher in Baliffscourt this afternoon, also good numbers of Swift moving east, 3 Wheatear in the horse field, 1 Reed Warbler, several Blackcap and a Peregrine on the gas tower at 1630.

08 May, 2010

At Marsh Farm this morning 3 singing Cetti's Warblers and a Cuckoo were the highlights along with several of each Reed, Sedge Warbler, Blackcap and Whitethroat.
Three new birds of the spring this morning with a Nightngale calling from the back of 1st wood, a Turtle Dove flew across the golf course and Cuckoo in the area. No sign of the Red-necked Grebe this morning.