Bird Title

Red-bearded Bee-eater - Thailand 05/03/2025

30 March, 2009

Nice sunny spring day

Late start for me this morning, out at 0940, but that didn't deter the birds. 2 Black Redstart in the horse field, 1 Firecrest Baliffscourt and 7 Buzzard in the air from hotel grounds, also 1 Sparrow Hawk. Also 9 Wheatear, 3 Grey Partridge, 3 Swallow, 4 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap, and 1 Reed Bunting. 30 Sanderling west, 2 adult Med Gull, 3 east Sandwich Tern and 1 Redshank make up the day totals.

Marsh Farm

Strool around the farm this afternoon produced 7 Gadwall, 3 Tufted Duck, 8 Cormorant, 2 Grey Heron, 4 Swallow, 1 Sand Martin, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Yellowhammer, 1 Reed Bunting, 8 Fieldfare, and 1 Buzzard.

29 March, 2009

Much the same

Better day weather wise but much the same as yesterday. 3 Wheatear along the beach, 2 Swallow, 3 singing Chiffchaffs, 1 Male Blackcap, 3 Lapwing, 7 Grey Plover, 3 Curlew, and 5 Sanderling. Offshore 10 Great C Grebe and 6 Red B Mergs.

28 March, 2009

Cold NW but worthwhile

Out by 0700 this morning and the early start proved productive with 2 Black Redstart in the horse field, with 1 Wheatear and 2 Grey Partridge. 5E Med Gull, 11 Curlew, 40+ Sanderling, 4 Great C Grebe, 9 Red B Mergs 1E Sandwich Tern, 1W Gannet, was all i could manage offshore. Also around was 1E Swallow, 2 Lapwing, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap,1 Great S Wood and 2 Green Wood.

23 March, 2009

Very quiet offshore this morning with only singletons of Brent Goose west and Red B Merg and Great C Grebe. 5 Curlew 1 Lapwing, 2 Swallow and 2 Chiffchaff being the only other birds of note.

21 March, 2009

Climping Beach

A fine spring day at the coast this morning but the glorious weather did not produce the birds. The Highlight being one Slavonian Grebe on the sea, along with 10 Red B Mergs, and 3 Great C Grebe. Also 3 Buzzards, 2 Wheatear, Sparrowhawk, 1 Lapwing,and 2 Grey Plover.

14 March, 2009

Climping Beach

Nice day down at the beach today with signs of spring on its way with 3 Wheatear on the beach east of the car park. 1 Firecrest, 1 Chiff Chaff, and 2 Goldcrest behind ballifscourt.

Other birds today include, 4 Brent Geese and 14 Curlew in the setaside, 1 Lapwing and 2 Grey Partridge off bread lane, and two Buzzards in the area.

11 March, 2009

Climping Beach

11/03/2009 Not much about today, with only 32 Brent Geese and 4 Curlew in the setaside, fead w Meadow Pipits in the Horse field off bread lane. A few Red B Mergs, and Great C Grebes on a motionless sea.

1 Redshank, calling on the river and a pair of Tufted Duck on Mewsbrook.